Dashboard.lol 📊 ​
Overview ​
Class ​
Database Design and Implementation (CSI 3450)
Description ​
The objective of this project was to build some type of application that utilizes a database and demonstrates the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). For our project, my partner and I decided to create a customizable dashboard-type website with several widgets. My partner handled most of the frontend, which was written in PHP with Bootstrap. I handled most of the backend-related tasks, which included creating and setting up the database with MySQL workbench, and writing Python code for the widgets that fetch their data from other websites. While we were working on the project, my partner and I started looking for domains to name our website after, and we stumbled upon domains ending in .lol
, which we were amused by. So we bought the domain dashboard.lol
, and that became the name of our project.
Source Code ​
Take a look at the source code on GitHub.
Screenshots ​
Click to enlarge.